Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More birthday parties

Since Victoria was just in the US, she naturally had a birthday party there while with my family. But, we also wanted to have a party here with Simone's family as well. So we did just that. Oh, and we also had a small party on the ACTUAL day with her friends Lasa and Andy and their moms. See, in Germany you are NOT supposed to celebrate your birthday early. If it falls in the middle of the week, which hers did, you are supposed to wait until the next weekend to throw a party. So the actual date we had her friends over:

Victoria had a very nice time playing with the boys. That's Lasa's backside, and Andy is looking at my guitar. Yvonne (Lasa's mom) is with her camera, and Astrid (Andy's mom) in on the left. Victoria is looking very, very Adorable. She's wearing her outfit Aunt Amy picked out. She also wore it at the final party...

Next was her party with Simone's family. It was quite a few people actually. We had a good time entertaining, and Victoria got to enjoy more attention yet again. I don't think she minds that at all.

We had her party on a Sunday. Oma and Opa made it, as well as Aunt Liane and cousins Thomas and Yvonne, along with other extended family and friends.

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