Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hmmm...What'll it be for dinner tonight?

Looks like it'll be rice and veggie patties, Italian flavor. Hom mommmm! (Victoriaspeak for 'food' or 'hungry')

Zipping all around

Victoria is really taking off now. She zips around the home like nobody's business. She is rather speedy and is practically running sometimes. It won't be long before she doesn't need any helping hands, either. She also climbs the entire staircase in this picture with ease. But she does wait to make sure one of us is behind her. She also walks with her car around the place. Tasha and Leo must think she's a terror sometimes.

Here is Vicotoria riding IN the car (usually she wants to walk it). Complete with bubbles and her 'Las Vegas Baby' t-shirt.

Wilderness Park

We took Victoria to a Wilderness Park in the springtime. She liked seeing all the different animals. Even saw some really big bears, which I believe were Kodiaks or the like. I just noticed this...If you look closely, the goat behind them is taking caring of business. How nice.

Choppers update

Lil' Peppa now has a total of 11 teeth with the 12th breaking through as we speak, but Mommy's keeping her as content as can be.

Swimming class, or was that splashing class?

Victoria really took to her swimming class. She attended over the early summer, before she was a year old. Simone and I had a lot of fun taking her, and Victoria had a lot of fun discovering the joy of splashing.

Photo Shoot, take 2

Victoria had a chance to go to a photoshooting, her second time through it. She was just over a year old for this one. She had an ok time with it, but it wasn't one of her best days when we went in, so it was a bit tough getting her in a good mood for the shots. She's wearing a nice little outfit Grandpa picked up for her from the States.